Moving Trucks: What You Need To Know

Should you hire moving truck?

There is always a pleasant feeling that comes with moving to a better apartment. You will likely feel all excited and a bit anxious about the relocation. However, a lack of preparation can lead to specific issues that can halt that pleasant feeling and make way to worry.

There is always a pleasant feeling that comes with moving to a better apartment. You will likely feel all excited and a bit anxious about the relocation. However, a lack of preparation can lead to specific issues that can halt that pleasant feeling and make way to worry. Moving can be very, very stressful at times, especially if you intend to do it yourself. If you have moved to a new apartment before, you’ll understand this more. The thought of the work you have to put in alone can make you want to reconsider. Nevertheless, moving can also be enjoyable sometimes, all depending on how well you have prepared.

Preparing to move to a new place has several linings to it, from picking the perfect day to relocate to deciding how to package your goods well for the move. However, between these struggles to be well prepared for your big day, a critical aspect that needs to be sorted way before time is how to move your belongings to your new apartment. For years now, moving trucks have been the stand out choice for moving properties to a new location. The advantages of renting a moving truck, among others, are:

A truck rental offers you complete control of the truck for as long as your rent is valid
You can rent any size of truck you want, depending on the size of the load you intend to move
Renting a moving truck is far more affordable than other means of transporting load
It is a convenient means of transporting goods for both short and long-distance moves
Truck rental companies often have branches nationwide, and you can return the truck to any branch closest to you after your move.
Helpful Tips For Renting a Moving Truck

Approach multiple rental agencies: If you wish to get a good deal for rental trucks, you should search for various moving truck agencies close to you. Also, make a record of the services they offer, and compare their rate per day. This will help to select the agency that will serve you best.
Book the truck beforehand: Like every other truck rental service, making a reservation for a truck earlier will ensure that you have enough time to handle any difficulty that may arise during the booking process.
Conduct a check on the truck: After selecting your desired truck from the rental agency, you are expected to check the truck for possible faults to avoid a breakdown on your big day.
Weigh up your load: Many people who fail to quantify their load before making a moving truck rental tend to regret their decision. And it is because they almost always end up getting the wrong truck size.
Renting the correct truck at the right time can significantly ease up the trouble of DIY packing. However, it does not end at just getting the right truck. You have to know how to pack up your loads in the truck properly. Some essential tips for loading a moving truck include:

Get an appropriately sized truck that can transport your goods in one trip
Invite friends to help you with the packing
Load the larger items first before loading in the smaller and lighter ones
Assemble longer items such as the couch, large cabinets, and tables in an upright position
Roll up rugs to minimize space consumption
Avoid making one side more decadent than the other by making sure all loads are distributed evenly.

How to maintain Home Isolation during Corona

Watch this video to learn how you can make money during lockdown

You will be jailed for seventeen days in your home. Away from family sit ups, away from city hustle and bustles, you will be required to follow new norms -Courtesy Corona.

Corona is here to stay. Even if a vaccine is invented it will take a while to reach the masses. Till that time, one should maintain all the precautions and keep alert and prepared in case one gets infected. The following article helps you to prepare and maintain the new routine for a home isolated person.

Corona is taking the world by storm

We all were taught in primary school that a home is a place that saves you from the storm, unaware of the fact that in 2020 it will again protect us from a storm named-“CORONA”.

The following article is divided into two parts for the help of readers. The first part deals with the preparation for home isolation and the second one describes the routine to follow in case one gets unfortunately infected.


During home isolation, you are not allowed to share anything with others to avoid the spread of infection.

The first step is to sit with members of your family and decide the area for isolation in case anyone gets infected. The area should be such that it is isolated from the rest of the house with a separate washroom. The area should also have a proper sleeping arrangement, with sufficient bedding keeping in mind the climate in days to come. In case you don’t have such arrangements, you should keep ready the numbers of nearest isolation centers.
Keep a stock of medicines like Paracetamol, Vitamins, and zinc.
You should have separate medical devices ready with you. These are thermometer, Oximeter, portable oxygen can, and steamer.
You would be requiring some kitchen appliances like a Multipurpose kettle and induction cooker.
Next, you should have cleaning and sanitization devices like a steamer, Rotating mop, or vacuum cleaner. This is important since you will be responsible for the cleaning of your area and would not get support from any other person.
Keep separate your personal hygiene products like clippers, trimmers, hairdryers, and foot massager spas.
You should keep some stationery items like Notepads and pen ready and accessible.
Then you would require Garbage Bags and separate dustbins to do away with your waste.
You should stock your toiletries, face masks, sanitizers, and sanitary napkins for good 20 days.
During these days you would excessively use your electronic devices like mobiles, laptops, wifi modem, various appliances, etc. So to charge or power them you would require multiple power sockets. So keep an extension cord that will serve two purposes- one will help to run multiple devices and will bring the sockets near to your bed.
Maintaining Home Isolation

Essential Daily Routine

You need to take account of your body stats every four hours in the day. Note down these stats in notepad to observe the success of recovery. These stats include Body Temperature, Oxygen level, and Pulse.
You need to intake zinc and vitamins once a day or prescribed by a doctor. As per medical advice, you also required to take medicine, in case you have a fever.
Take a steam in a very small quantity but in a regular interval of 4 hours every day.
Intake hot beverages like coffee or tea. You can prepare the same in an electric kettle. Also, food should be taken when hoy. In case you do not have the arrangement you can keep it warm on the induction cooker.
Start your day with Yoga and meditation. This will not only give you a feel-good factor but also helps in improving the blood circulation and hence the oxygen level.
Cleaning and Hygiene routine

Use the steamer to kill the germs and bacteria from accessories in the washroom or door handles and other articles frequently touched by you.
Clean your isolated area with a mop or vacuum.
Spend some time on your body. You may sponge or take a bath in case the fever is not there. Take a foot massage to relax you and remove the stress.
Fighting the isolation blues

You may indulge yourself in various activities of your interest to relieve yourself of this isolation blue.

You may take a virtual tour of cities, museums, and national parks just sitting on your couch.
You may develop your own indoor herb garden. You can take old pots from the house, decorate them, and plant various herbs. Besides providing the room with fresh oxygenFree Articles, it will give you fruitful products for your recovery
Help others. You may arrange a podcast or webinars to help others on the topics in which you are a master.

Just remember one thing that it is only-“YOU” who can help you out in your isolation so keep a healthy stress free isolation period. So plan well and fight this like a warrior.

How To Set Up A Blog

Here is the result of earning money from blogs

Learn how to set up a blog, if you should learn html/css for your blog, comparisons between WordPress, Blogger, and other shared domain blogging websites and blog platforms, and how to make money with your blog.

If you’re curious about how to make a blog and are trying to figure out what the best method to create a blog is-then you have arrived at to the right article! I’ll help you decide on which method(s) to use to build your blog depending on what kind of blog you may desire, whether you desire to earn income from it, and how much time/effort you want to allot to creating your blog.

Subjects that I will help you with will be:

Whether to use a hosted blog site (like or or to use a blog platform (like, Typepad, Blogsmith, Movable Type).
Comparisons between hosted blog sites–Blogger vs.
Comparisons between the blog platform to additional blog platforms.
Why/Why not you should study some HTML, CSS, or some Programming.
What’s the best option to earn income with a blog.
So continue on with this article if you want to learn about making a great blog!

Hosted Blog vs. Host Your Own Blog

Option 1) Use a shared domain blog

A shared domain blog is a type of blog that costs nothing to host. You can design these at,, etc. When you choose this option you’ll be building what is called a “shared domain blog” because you’ll have .blogspot or .wordpress following your blog’s domain name like or Setting up a blog with a hosted blog website is very simple to do and it’s free. You can actually have a blog up and running within a couple minutes if you decide to create a blog with or!

Blogger vs. WordPress

If you are debating which shared domain blogging website to set up your blog with you should know that both are very simple to use. I think blogger is easier to use while WordPress makes your blog look better. Also, has nice ways to easily use Google AdSense Ads within your blog so you can make money but WordPress is the best option if you want to customize your blog.

Option 2) Pay a Host to Host Your Blog on Their Web Server

If you decide to use this option you would use a blog platform (like WordPress–*from and not and you pay a web host to place your blog on their servers. So why would you decide to pay to have your blog hosted when you could have it hosted for free at or Actually, there’s several reasons:
You have more control over how your blog is designed.
You have much more control over how you monetize your site (More ways to monetize your site = more ways to make money with your blog!)
You’re blog will look more original-giving you more credibility.
If you are wondering how to create a blog using this way then you’ll be happy to know it is actually pretty easy to do. Blog platforms can be uploaded on a server and set up in a few minutes. There’s instructions on doing this at all of the blog platform’s websites (ex.

To Set Up Your Blog Using a Host–do this:
Sign up with a host.
Almost all decent hosts will place a one click installation button on their site for different blog platforms (like WordPress, Typepad, Blogsmith, Movable Type)-so just click that and you’re ready to start blogging (it’s that easy)!
*If the host you choose does not give you access to a one click installation option for the blog platform you want to have, follow these steps:
Download a blogging platform (like WordPress (from, Typepad, Blogsmith, Movable Type, etc) from their different websites.
Start a hosting account.
Upload the blog platform you want to the host you signed up with.
Start creating material for your blog!
WordPress vs. other blogging platforms:

I have tried out quite a few blog platforms and Content Management Systems (CMS) over the years and in my opinion the best blog platform is WordPress. It is very user friendly, it has many people using it (and updating it and pointing out any problems it has to developers), there are a ton of helpful websites and forums to assist you if are having trouble with WordPress, and there are tons of methods to easily customize your blog. Also, WordPress is venturing out and creating more elaborate components that other blog platforms are behind in. So, if you are thinking you may want to possibly make your blog to look more like a website that includes things like forums, shopping carts, or other advanced aspects–Wordpress is the blog platform you should choose. Also, WordPress one of the most easy blog platforms to create.

Should You Learn HTML, CSS, or Programming?

If you are using a hosted blog at blogger or WordPress it is not necessary to learn these skills. Studying some HTML will help you customize your blog sometimes but you can always search for a certain code online when you want to customize something on your blog. However, if you set up your blog using a blog platform (like WordPress from learning a little HTML will definitely go a long way. I wouldn’t suggest you take a long time learning about it however if you develop a very basic skill set you can achieve a lot with your site. *note-you can still make a superb blog without ever teaching yourself HTML, CSS, or Programming.

Make Money with Your Blog

There are bloggers that can earn an amazing living form a single blog! However, if your goal is to just blog about your life, a topic, or get the word out about for an issue–than building your blog using a hosted blog site (like or is probably the best option for you. Hosted blog sites are very simple to use and you don’t need to host your blog with a host that charges you. With this option you can just blog and not worry about administrative things. However, if you want a blog that makes decent money than using a blog platform (like is what you should do because blog platforms give you a lot more options to customize your blog, all the ways you can place ads on your site, and what types of features you can use with your blog.

It’s my hope this article has helped you realize the ways to make a blog. One of my favorite hobbies is blogging but the great thing about this hobby is that it makes me a lot of money! Surprisingly there are many very basic ways to monetize your blog that will make you money for a long time. If you want to work at home and make money with a blog, about the 5 big downfalls that bloggers fall intoHealth Fitness Articles, and the ways to decide on a niche for your blog

Tips to get Good Grades

Click here to learn more about how to maintain straight A’s

Each parent expects from his child to perform better in examination so they can obtain good grades in final exam. Many students put their best efforts but some of them still fail or get poor grades because of not using proper study methods. This article contains five smart tips for those students who want to perform excellent. Students and Parents would be benefited by reading these quick and smart tips.

As a student every child is expected to achieve higher grades in his exam. As competition is increasing students have to struggle with lots of study homework, dissertations, various assignment and exams like they are machines designed to do everything. Luckily I got my teachers guidance during my study periods; they also instructed me how to achieve good grades with less study. I would like to share these ideas here with you.

Attend classes regularly

Classes are study place where you learn and understand new topics. There you meet with other students, professors. You can discuss your study problems as well as getting assignment help if you have any. Moreover your regular presence is a way to mentoring relationship with your teachers that is also beneficial for you.

Get connected with your professors

Each professor tries to solve his students problems but they prefer to recognized faces or who are keen to participate in study discussions. You may win their heart by joining their classes regularly as well as attracting their attention by your performance. It does not matter how much you know, you should always be appear in their classes to get connected with them so they can include you in their most favorite students list. You may visit them in lunch hours, after class or whenever it is convenient to both of you to get assignment help in case you are unable to solve a question.

Study properly

Smart work wins over hard work; study is also not an exception. Definitely you can do harder work than others but it does not guarantee to gain better grades. Grade depends on your personal efforts, intelligence, practice and understanding of subject topics. You should use smart methods to study like studying in groups, acquiring ability to read quickly, better memory, etc. You can discuss with your professors, school counselors to know more advanced methods to make study easier than ever.

Well-planned Time Table

Time is the key of success but it cannot be reverse. Once it lost, it lost forever so make a proper study time table with appropriate time allotment to all subjects. Remember fresh mind is also a pre-requisite for good studies so do not forget to add some fun times in your study schedule. You can planned your time table into four divisions (i) study homework (ii) learning and remembering the course (iii) lunch time (iv) time for other works. If you have not enough time to do study you may take online assignment help to finish your homework on time and to save your time.

Be a test taker

Often students use to avoid testing their skills in a self-test but intelligent student cannot afford it. Being a test taker helps you to know your own strengths and weakness hence they do not prepare for final exams. You may take yourself a test or can request your friends to asking questions from study syllabus. Moreover your parentsArticle Search, subject teachers can also help you to examine your knowledge in a particular subject. Taking your own test will guide you for further study so you can get better grades in final exams.

7 Reasons why your Customer may Choose your Competition

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If you are running a business, online or offline, isn’t a piece of cake. You give your blood and sweat in order to attract your customer and wish they appreciate your efforts by sharing your site with their friends.

You will agree that running a business, online or offline, isn’t a piece of cake. You give your blood and sweat in order to attract your customer and wish they appreciate your efforts by sharing your site with their friends.

But the harsh reality is that, for your customer, your business is just another store in the pool of options they have. In this pool, if your customer is choosing your competitor over you, again and again, it’s time you take serious concern and find out why it is happening.

Now in order to make sure you don’t have to waste your time scrolling down multiple screens, here are 7 main reasons that you may take into consideration.

7 Reasons why your customer may choose your competition Slow and unreliable website
Having your own website is a great start to your online business. But if your website is slow, your customer may not be waiting more than 3 seconds to bounce back and choose your competition.

Also at the same time, if the website isn’t looking trustworthy, i.e., the User Interface and User experience of your site aren’t up to the mark, then chances are, your customer may not trust your site to make a purchase.

In order to improve this, have a mobile-friendly and responsive website. Also, make sure that you are using a good hosting service to run your website.

Awful presentation
In addition to being mobile-friendly and having a good hosting service, you also need to make sure that the products look attractive and real to your customer. Having cluttered products, false or a bad product description is another turn off for the customer.

The best way to resolve this problem would be by outsourcing your product images to the best product image editing service. This way you can have a common background for all your products, remove any flaws like wrinkles, scratches, remove the background, and much more.

Absence of customs support
If you already have made sure that you are doing well with the speed and appearance of your site, another reason why your customer may choose your competition is due to no customer support from your site.

Do you have someone who can help choose your customer which product to go for or someone recommending them products based on their preferences? If not, you will be shocked that you can install a chatbot for solving this issue.

This way you won’t need someone on the phone 24/7. Rather a bot will work for you and your customer won’t even notice the difference.

Hefty price tag
Another most common reason why customers may be choosing your competition is the prices of your product. There can’t be a denial that if your customers would get the same product at a lower cost, they would prefer that.

Do your competitive research and see what price point others are offering and can you beat that price. Obviously, you shouldn’t go too low as it will drop the value hence see if you could arrange a fair price point.

If not that, can you offer something extra, such as free shipping or a bunch deal? If you can, market your product along with flaunting the added benefits customers would be getting when purchasing from you.

Poor Product Quality
To identify this situation check for your returning customer and the feedback on your products. Nothing can be compared when a customer gets a bad quality of the product.

If you are unaware, a returning customer has about 60% – 70% higher chances against the new customer who has only about 5%-20% chances of buying from you.

If you find that something is wrong with a product as not many customers are returning to your site to make a purchase you should improve the quality of the product immediately.

It is also a fact that on receiving a bad product your customer would share this with more people when he or she is satisfied with your quality of the product.

Inefficient marketing
Another major reason why your customer may choose your competition over you is that he or she is not aware of you. The very first thing to resolve this is to hope on the data and find out who really should be targeted-audience.

Once you have successfully found them, then streamline your marketing in order to be visible. See where they spend most of their time, why would they be interested in buying from you, and how you can attract them to buy from you.

Choose the right campaign for your marketing and reach out to your customer in order to grow your business.

Poor company reputation
Lastly, if all the above things are taken care of there’s a chance that your company has a bad reputation in the market. This could be due to any reason above which might have existed for a long time and is still unresolved.

The first step to overcome this is to make sure that you have resolved all the issues that we have mentioned above. Try to create a brand new experience for your customer which is all set specially for them to make a purchase from you.

Try not to be too-pushy when approaching clients to return. Except choose to show that you have reformed yourself and there is something great waiting for them.

Bonus Read
Above as you saw, we have covered almost every point due to which your customer may choose your competition, but if you are just starting out and struggling to gain customers, the reasons can be different.

It is also the best time that you make sure none of the mistakes mentioned above are repeated by you. Focus on every point very carefully as it can save your efforts in the future.

When you are starting out you shall make sure that your content or product is helpful to your customer in some or other way to make him buy from you, do your SEO rightFree Reprint Articles, and also don’t forget to market your product. Learn more about 10 eCommerce SEO mistakes that you must avoid.

If you are searching for the best product photo editing service provider? PixelPhant provides one of the best product image retouching and editing services.

Egg McMuffin recipe

Egg Mcmuffin Recipe on the grounds a large portion of us is the diehard fanatic of this breakfast.

Here’s a illustrated version on how to make mcmuffin for free !

I’ve been making my Egg Mcmuffin Recipe for a long while now however I could never get the egg right.

Egg Mcmuffin Recipe

Concerning, the most charming morning meals are ordinarily the ones you can handle and gobble on the best approach to work. Surely, scrambling several egg whites doesn’t take long, yet its such an extraordinary measure of less requesting to move by the drive thru under the splendid bends. An Egg Mcmuffin, a normal breakfast thing that is been on various restaurants menus since so long, may show up as a robust decision with its five fundamental include ins, including those protein-rich eggs that ensure to fuel you in the a.m., however the reality of the situation be exhorted, you can find close to 50 fixings in standout thing that makes up this unpretentious sandwich. Essentially society’s warmth to know Egg Mcmuffin Recipe on the grounds a huge allotment of us is the diehard devotee of this breakfast.

I’ve been making my Egg Mcmuffin Recipe for a long while now anyway I could never get the egg right.

The way to a glorious Egg Mcmuffin Recipe is adding a little water to the skillet and a top to steam the egg until its totally cooked. Well that, and trench the Canadian bacon …  bona fide ham is so much better.

Here is my uncommon Egg Mcmuffin Recipe for you.


  • 2 English Muffins, cut into a balance of
  • 2 eggs
  • 4 cuts of shaved ham
  • 2 cuts American cheddar
  • 1 tablespoon spread
  • salt/pepper to taste


  1. heat a significant skillet over medium high temperature and incorporate spread.
  2. add the rolls to the skillet and warm for around 2 minutes on every one side, then set aside.
  3. spray the skillet with non-stay cooking sprinkle. Add a silicone egg ring to the skillet.
  4. crack one egg in the ring and break the yolk.
  5. fry for 30 seconds then add a tablespoon of water to the skillet (outside of the egg ring) and spot a spread over it.
  6. continue searing for 1 – 2 minutes until egg is cooked through.
  7. place the egg on an English scone and incorporate a cut of cheddar.
  8. warm ham in the skillet and add to the sandwich.

Right away take pleasure in one more Egg Mcmuffin Recipe yet this time its gluten free.

Make Ahead Gluten Free Egg Mcmuffin Recipe

What you require:

12 Gluten Free English Muffins Sliced down the center

12 cuts of ham

12 cuts of cheddar

12 eggs

Preheat your stove to 350 degrees.

Set up your scone dish by spreading with non-stay sprinkle, I use olive oil shower.

Break eggs into your scone dish, or into individual custard dishes.

Get ready eggs at 350 degrees for 20 minutes. To assemble put your chop gluten free English scone down on material paper completed with a cut of ham and a cut of cheddar, and completed with your cooked egg.

Wrap individual Mcmuffins in material paper. That way, you can put the wrapped sandwiches direct in the microwave for warming.

After they’re all wrapped, place them in cooler ziplock packs and stop them. Exactly when readied to expend, take out of the cooler and place in the microwave for 3 minutes at half power, turning over after every minute.

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On the off chance that you like to warm in the oven, Preheat stove to 350 degrees and plan for 30 minutes.

This equation also works outstandingly with gluten free ground sirloinsandwich buns.

KFC Fried Chicken Recipe – Looking For The Secret Recipe?

Click here to see a illustrated version of this recipe!

Maybe the most famous secret recipe of all time? The KFC Fried Chicken Recipe is in a new super secret, high-tech vault to protect it. The recipe that was hand written in pencil by Harland Sanders is now guarded around the clock. The recipe was kept in an undisclosed location while the new security system was installed.

Only a few super select people know the exact recipe. To ensure the secrecy, no company is allowed to mix all of the 11 herbs and spices. Two companies mix part of the ingredients and a third company mixes the ingredients from the other two companies together. This way no one but the select few at KFC can know the recipe. Other companies like Coke and McDonalds go to these extensive lengths to protect their products.

If the recipe is so secret and the recipe so well protected, how can people say they have the “secret” recipe. Well, they don’t actually have the secret recipe, but they have figured out how to get it to taste as close a possible. Chefs are well trained and can figure out most ingredients in food. And after they have guessed the ingredients and how to make the item, they can experiment with their new secret recipe and get it right.

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On a recent episode of Hell’s Kitchen, chef Ramsey had the contestants try to figure out the ingredients in a dish he prepared. Only one person was able to figure out all of the ingredients. While it’s difficult it is possible to figure out someone else’s recipe.

How to make KFC iconic coleslaw at home

Here is a illustration on how to make the iconic KFC coleslaw

Have you been searching for a great recipe to make coleslaw the KFC recipe way? If you have I’m sure you’ve come across a few versions and I know it’s hard to pick a recipe to go with, especially if you’re making it for other people. The following is a pretty good recipe I think is real similar to the KFC version. Even though I think this is a good one, you might want to try it out on the family before serving it for others. I also have another idea, but first check out the following coleslaw recipe and see what you think.

This recipe is 4 star all the way and tastes just like the coleslaw at KFC. A recipe you’ll try over and over. Make sure to make this a head of time at least 6 hours and if you can make it the night before all the better. It needs time for all the flavors to incorporate and combine together.


  • 1 head shredded cabbage
  • 1/4 cup shredded carrots
  • 2 T chopped onions
  • 1/4 cup 2% milk
  • 1/4 cup lowfat buttermilk
  • 1.5 T apple cider venegar
  • 2 T fresh squeezed lemon juice
  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • 1/2 t salt
  • 1/8 t pepper
  • 1/2 cup mayonnaise (you can use light/lo cal mayo if preferred)
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Shred or finely dice the cabbage and the carrots, you can use a food processor or a cheese grater if doing by hand, or use a knife. Mix onions with the cabbage and carrots in a large bowl. Mix the remaining ingredients using a blender or food  processor or if you really want to be crazy–use a spoon–also you’ll save a wit bit of electricity and get some excercise. Now thoroughly mix the mayo mixture in with the cabbage, onion and carrots.

Remember to refrigerate for at least 6 hours.

So try this recipe and see what you think. Does it compare to the KFC recipe?

What’s the Best Sponge Cake Recipe Ever?

Sponge cake recipe illustrated !

Sponge cakes are known to be very fun and easy to make, even for those without a lot of baking experience. They bake quickly and do not require a lot of expertise or skill, and they are versatile as…

Sponge cakes are known to be very fun and easy to make, even for those without a lot of baking experience. They bake quickly and do not require a lot of expertise or skill, and they are versatile as well. What’s the best sponge cake recipe ever? Who’s to say if such a thing exists, but there are certain similarities between some of the better recipes that you will find. Let’s explore what makes a sponge cake great.

Obviously, we wouldn’t be talking about sponge cake if we weren’t celebrating its distinctive sponginess. To make sponge cake so characteristically spongy, you beat the yolks and whites of the eggs you use separately. You should not beat them vigorously, as the air bubbles should remain for optimum sponginess. If you do beat them with too much vigor, you will find that your cake will be compact instead of fluffy. In the meanwhile, a sponge cake with eggs that were not beaten enough will not come out right, either. Knowing just how to beat the yolks and whites is one of the only challenges of making a sponge cake.

Another thing you should know about sponge cakes is that they will not stay fresh and moist very long. You can prolong their freshness by tightly wrapping them, or placing them in the freezer. Otherwise, you are looking at about a day or so before your soft, spongy cake becomes rather hard and unappealing.

Certain characteristics are present in just about any sponge cake recipe. For instance, you should never spray the pan with any kind of cooking spray or cooking oil. This is because the cake must be able to stick to the pan, so it can “grip” the pan and expand properly as it bakes. If the pan is slick, the cake will slide down and not expand the way you want it to.

There are a number of ways to check to make sure a sponge cake is done, no matter what recipe you are using. One method is to look in the oven and see if the eggs are still releasing steam. If this has not stopped, the cake is not done. Also, the cake should spring back in response to your touch. A quick toothpick test is a popular way to check your sponge cake, too.

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While the best sponge cake recipe is a matter to be debated, no one would debate that there are certain things you should always keep in mind when baking a sponge cake. The true test is to find your own ways to customize your sponge cake.

Apple Bundt Cake Recipe

Click here to see a step by step on how to make an apple bundt cake

This very easy to make apple bundt cake that requires no fancy frosting or filling and is delicious for serving at breakfast, tea time or even as a birthday cake with a chocolate or with a fruit glaze covering. Of course, an apple cake is always great with ice cream too. You can be sure that your family and friends will love this home made apple bundt cake.


2 cups of sugar Rind of 1 lemon 4 medium or large eggs 1 cup of vegetable oil 1 tsp vanilla 2 cups of flour 1/2 tsp allspice 1/2 tsp nutmeg 2 tsp baking powder 2 tsp baking soda 1 tsp salt 1 tsp cinnamon 3 large tart apples, grated 1/2 cup of raisins Serves approximately 12 people (depending upon individual appetites)


Mix the sugar and lemon rind quickly in the food processor.

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Add eggs and blend until it becomes a nice cream. Continue blending while slowly adding the oil. Blend until it is well mixed then add the vanilla. In a separate bowl sift the dry ingredients all together (flour, allspice, nutmeg, baking powder, baking soda, salt and cinnamon). Mix the dry ingredients slowly into the batter blending until it becomes a nice thick cream. Add grated apples and blend quickly into batter just to mix. Be sure not to overblend as this may shred the apples too much. Add raisins and pulse the processor as to just mix them in and not shred them. Bake for 55 minutes at 325°F or until sticking a knife into center comes out clean.