Is it possible to lose weight and stay healthy πŸ‹οΈ

If you want to lose weight fast and stay healthy you are going to have to forget about fasting, diet pills and all many fad diets available. Let’s be real, who really believes

If you want to lose weight fast and stay healthy you are going to have to forget about fasting, diet pills and all many fad diets available. Let’s be real, who really believes a diet of nothing but grapefruit is a healthy diet. Your body needs specific and varied nutrients to maintain your health.

Sure you may be able to lose 10 lbs or more very quickly on these “fad diets” or diet pills but you won’t be able to keep it off. Because you are starving your body it will react in self defense by slowing down its metabolism and feeding off of muscle. You will feel sluggish and your goal is to lose fat not muscle. You will be weakening your body and its defenses against the many bugs and germs that are constantly trying to make you ill. Oh, and you can’t do it for very long. You will binge and end up right where you started or worseArticle Search, you may have gained back more than you lost.

You can lose weight fast and stay healthy if you choose a diet plan that is easily adaptable to the foods you normally like to eat. It makes it a lot easier to stick with the plan. A good plan will provide the following elements:

Β· Every diet plan needs a calorie counter. The whole objective is to eat fewer calories than your body uses.
Β· A meal plan that allows you to eat most if not all of the foods you like and gives you enough variety so that you will not get bored
Β· It should be affordable. You can find every thing you need to know to make a good diet plan on the internet. If you prefer to save yourself the time good diet plans can be found for under $50.

There is one more element that is very important if you want to lose weight fast and stay healthy and that is exercise. Aside from the benefits to your heart and body exercise will help your body burn more calories and lose weight faster.

(The science in losing weight πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡)

Is fasting healthy πŸ€πŸ€”

If you don’t believe that fasting won’t help you lose weight , check out this video to see the result πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

Promoters of fasting diets often praise fasting as the ultimate diet for a number of reasons. While you fast, you can take very little or nothing at all. In consequence, fasting is the only diet that allows you to shed weight the shortest way possible.

Promoters of fasting diets often praise fasting as the ultimate diet for a number of reasons. While you fast, you can take very little or nothing at all. In consequence, fasting is the only diet that allows you to shed weight the shortest way possible.

A day of fasting allows you to lose 4-5 pounds, up to 10 pounds on a saturday or sunday fast, and up to 20 pounds on a weeklong fast. Even obese people can lose about 50% of their weight using a series of monitored fasts.

For the duration of history individuals have recorded instances of fasting: figures in the Bible like Moses and Jesus, the Greeks in their golden era including the father of medical science himself Hippocrates, Tolstoy and his contemporaries in Russia, and British suffragettes are amongst those who have encountered fasting in their time, demonstrating that fasting isn’t just a gimmick.

Nowadays, people fast for a variety of causes which include to feel much better, to deal with growing food prices, to restore on bad lifestyle like smoking, drinking, and ingesting junk foods, to cleanse the body of toxins, to reduce cholesterol and blood pressure levels, to obtain a better eating lifestyle, to achieve spiritual highs, and to demonstrate a political cause. But whatever the reasons people fast, it is nonetheless excellent for the body as you can enjoy many benefits from practicing it.

Some of the benefits of fasting and reasons why its is considered as the supreme diet are the following: it is the fastest and least difficult way to lose weight naturally, it makes you feel better physically and mentally, it makes you look and feel younger, it saves your income, it provides the systems of your body a rest, it clears out the system, it reduces blood pressure and cholesterol levels, it boosts your sex life, it allows the body heal itself, it relieves tension, it enables you to sleep far better, it significantly improves your digestive tract, it helps in managing the bowel movement, it decreases the aging process, and much more. So if you’re looking to change into a much healthier lifestyleHealth Fitness Articles, there may be no better way than to start it with a fasting diet.

Eat and Lose Weight – The Secrets Nobody Else Wants You to Know! πŸ’ͺ🧘

Why should we have to starve to lose weight? Some people think that if they do not eat anything, they will lose weight, but this is not true! By not eating you are sending your body into survival mode, you might lose weight quickly at first, but eventually you will begin to feel weak, tired, light headed and you will get some serious headaches. When you get to this stage of your weight loss, you often begin to tell yourself you have had enough, or you think you have lost enough so go back to normal, but when you begin to eat normally again, you could actually put on double the weight you lost, making all the efforts at your lose weight program useless.

ARE THERE FOOD THAT YOU CAN EAT AND LOSE WEIGHTFew people realise that there are foods out there that can help you lose weight, meaning that you can eat and lose weight! Ever wondered why everybody else seems to be so slim? It is because they are eating the right foods, and you could be joining them soon by including more diet super foods into your diet! Slimming does not mean starvation, so it is important you know that right now!
STEAK AND EGGSLet us begin with steak. Thats right! Steak. Some people think that the best way to eat and lose weight is to give up meat all together but this simply is not true! Obviously I am not implying you go out and live primarily on beef, this would be silly! But studies have shown that women who eat more beef lose more weight than those who do not. The proteins that are in steaks can help you to retain muscle mass during your lose weight program loss too. Try grilling your steak, around a 4oz serving of top round or sirloin, and then slice thinly on top of a salad, or even throw in some veggies for some fajitas! Food like this feels like you are hardly dieting at all.
Another great food to get into your weight loss diet is eggs. Contrary to popular belief, eggs do not actually harm your heart, but they can seriously impact the inches you could lose! Eggs are particularly filling because they are crammed with protein, meaning that you eat less throughout the day, because you stay fuller for longer. But you cannot always cook omelette or scrambled egg every morning before work, so here is a great tip: Try baking a frittata rich in vegetables on a Sunday. By doing this you can slice it up through the week, meaning you are getting a healthy portion of eggs without having to spend hours in the kitchen!
FOODS TO RID TUMMY FATThere are some great foods out there that have been proven to rid tummy fat, and Lentils are one of them! Lentils are super high in protein and soluble fibre, which can stabalize blood sugar levels. By doing this, it prevents insulin spikes that cause our bodies to create excess fat around our stomachs. Red and Yellow Lentils are the most convenient if you are short of time and patience, with a cooking time of only 15-20 minutes! You can throw them in with a pasta sauce for a heartier and more filling meal, and because they are so rich in protein it means you can afford to completely veg out and forget about meat for the night!
WILD SALMONFish such as Wild Salmon are renowned for keeping our hearts healthy, due to the healthy fish fats they contain, but few people know that they can shrink your waist too. Omega 3, which is found in fish, can improve and build muscle and decrease that lingering belly fat. When you have more muscle, your body burns more calories. Always try to opt for wild salmon for fewer pollutants. Wild Salmon is very flavorful, and is perfect simply cooked in a hot pan with a splash of oil and some salt and pepper.
PARMESAN CHEESEAnd finally, Parmesan! Forget the low fat cheese, forget the rubbery processed stuff, get the real thing and you will be more likely to rid tummy fat, as part of your lose weight plan, over time than you would be eating alternative cheeses. They are really flavorful too, which means you are likely to stick just to the one serving! As well as this Parmesan cheese can help burn body fat, because it contain linoleic acid. Try it grated over some roasted vegetables, it packs a great punch and you will be eating healthy to!
If you follow these tips you will soon be back on the road to being healthy and happy! Whatever you doArticle Search, it is important to remember you can achieve your weight loss goal without having to starve!

Want to learn how to lose weight in two weeks?

Click the link below πŸ‘‡

How do you make exercising fun πŸ§πŸ€”

Exercise is one of the pillars of longevity. The benefits of exercise are many: heart health, weight management, better sleep, improved mood, more energy and many more.

Is there anything more fun than waking up in the morning and thinking about going to the gym to lift weights or jog on the treadmill? After a hard days work, the gym is one place you don’t even want to think about. Sometimes, even the thought of exercising at home with your own equipment can be less than desirable.Sometimes, just trying to get and stay motivated to exercise on a regular basis can be a challenge. No matter how you look at it, exercise can be downrightboring and even tedious at times.So, you may be wondering just how you can get the motivation you need to exercise on a regular basis. If you’ve been wondering what you can do to make exercise more fun, you’ll find some ideas below that just may help to make exercise more fun and a little bit easier.First things first, you should exercise with a friend. You can challenge each other, help each other out, keep each other motivated and on track, make eachother laugh or just make a game out of your exercise programs.You can also try something different. If you go to the gym each and every day and use the same piece of equipment or use the same piece of equipment at home, you should try mixing things up. Reverse your routine or just change the order of your exercises.Go to a city park that has playground equipment and use the slide, climb on the monkey bars, do pull-ups, hang from your knees, just let your imaginationguide you. You don’t always need to follow a strict routine, just get out there and have fun working your muscles.An outdoor circuit in the park is also something you can try. There are some parks that have circuit courses set up with a planned course where all you have to do is walk or jog to each station and then follow the instructions. If there isn’t a planned course, then you should do a combination of jogging and walking, picking a distance of a couple hundred feet. Jog 100 feet then drop and do a couple of pushups, walk the next 100 feet and then drop to do sit ups.You can also ride a bike around your neighborhood or hike on a hiking trail. A walk in the park or around your neighborhood is also a great way to get some exercise. Doing yoga in the park or on a beach is also a nice and relaxing way to exercise both your body and your mind. Playing a competitive sport is also something you can try. A lot of cities have team activities such as softball, volleyball, tennis, soccer, and so on. These types of activities will not only provide you with good exercise but they will also help you to meet new people as well.When you exercise, try to picture your muscles getting bigger. Research has shown that if you focus all of your thoughts on the muscles that you are working, they will respond better. Try to watch them work with each repetition as your muscles contract and relax.When you exercise, try to picture your muscles getting bigger. Research has shown that if you focus all of your thoughts on the muscles that you are working, they will respond better. Try to watch them work with each repetition as your muscles contract and relax.As you can tell, there are plenty of ways you can make exercise more fun and interesting. You don’t need to follow the same routine day after dayScience Articles, as you can do many other things to get in some exercise.The important thing is that you should always try to incorporate exercise in any various form into your everyday life and make these habits the kind of habits that will last a lifetime.