How to maintain Home Isolation during Corona

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You will be jailed for seventeen days in your home. Away from family sit ups, away from city hustle and bustles, you will be required to follow new norms -Courtesy Corona.

Corona is here to stay. Even if a vaccine is invented it will take a while to reach the masses. Till that time, one should maintain all the precautions and keep alert and prepared in case one gets infected. The following article helps you to prepare and maintain the new routine for a home isolated person.

Corona is taking the world by storm

We all were taught in primary school that a home is a place that saves you from the storm, unaware of the fact that in 2020 it will again protect us from a storm named-“CORONA”.

The following article is divided into two parts for the help of readers. The first part deals with the preparation for home isolation and the second one describes the routine to follow in case one gets unfortunately infected.


During home isolation, you are not allowed to share anything with others to avoid the spread of infection.

The first step is to sit with members of your family and decide the area for isolation in case anyone gets infected. The area should be such that it is isolated from the rest of the house with a separate washroom. The area should also have a proper sleeping arrangement, with sufficient bedding keeping in mind the climate in days to come. In case you don’t have such arrangements, you should keep ready the numbers of nearest isolation centers.
Keep a stock of medicines like Paracetamol, Vitamins, and zinc.
You should have separate medical devices ready with you. These are thermometer, Oximeter, portable oxygen can, and steamer.
You would be requiring some kitchen appliances like a Multipurpose kettle and induction cooker.
Next, you should have cleaning and sanitization devices like a steamer, Rotating mop, or vacuum cleaner. This is important since you will be responsible for the cleaning of your area and would not get support from any other person.
Keep separate your personal hygiene products like clippers, trimmers, hairdryers, and foot massager spas.
You should keep some stationery items like Notepads and pen ready and accessible.
Then you would require Garbage Bags and separate dustbins to do away with your waste.
You should stock your toiletries, face masks, sanitizers, and sanitary napkins for good 20 days.
During these days you would excessively use your electronic devices like mobiles, laptops, wifi modem, various appliances, etc. So to charge or power them you would require multiple power sockets. So keep an extension cord that will serve two purposes- one will help to run multiple devices and will bring the sockets near to your bed.
Maintaining Home Isolation

Essential Daily Routine

You need to take account of your body stats every four hours in the day. Note down these stats in notepad to observe the success of recovery. These stats include Body Temperature, Oxygen level, and Pulse.
You need to intake zinc and vitamins once a day or prescribed by a doctor. As per medical advice, you also required to take medicine, in case you have a fever.
Take a steam in a very small quantity but in a regular interval of 4 hours every day.
Intake hot beverages like coffee or tea. You can prepare the same in an electric kettle. Also, food should be taken when hoy. In case you do not have the arrangement you can keep it warm on the induction cooker.
Start your day with Yoga and meditation. This will not only give you a feel-good factor but also helps in improving the blood circulation and hence the oxygen level.
Cleaning and Hygiene routine

Use the steamer to kill the germs and bacteria from accessories in the washroom or door handles and other articles frequently touched by you.
Clean your isolated area with a mop or vacuum.
Spend some time on your body. You may sponge or take a bath in case the fever is not there. Take a foot massage to relax you and remove the stress.
Fighting the isolation blues

You may indulge yourself in various activities of your interest to relieve yourself of this isolation blue.

You may take a virtual tour of cities, museums, and national parks just sitting on your couch.
You may develop your own indoor herb garden. You can take old pots from the house, decorate them, and plant various herbs. Besides providing the room with fresh oxygenFree Articles, it will give you fruitful products for your recovery
Help others. You may arrange a podcast or webinars to help others on the topics in which you are a master.

Just remember one thing that it is only-“YOU” who can help you out in your isolation so keep a healthy stress free isolation period. So plan well and fight this like a warrior.

7 Reasons why your Customer may Choose your Competition

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If you are running a business, online or offline, isn’t a piece of cake. You give your blood and sweat in order to attract your customer and wish they appreciate your efforts by sharing your site with their friends.

You will agree that running a business, online or offline, isn’t a piece of cake. You give your blood and sweat in order to attract your customer and wish they appreciate your efforts by sharing your site with their friends.

But the harsh reality is that, for your customer, your business is just another store in the pool of options they have. In this pool, if your customer is choosing your competitor over you, again and again, it’s time you take serious concern and find out why it is happening.

Now in order to make sure you don’t have to waste your time scrolling down multiple screens, here are 7 main reasons that you may take into consideration.

7 Reasons why your customer may choose your competition Slow and unreliable website
Having your own website is a great start to your online business. But if your website is slow, your customer may not be waiting more than 3 seconds to bounce back and choose your competition.

Also at the same time, if the website isn’t looking trustworthy, i.e., the User Interface and User experience of your site aren’t up to the mark, then chances are, your customer may not trust your site to make a purchase.

In order to improve this, have a mobile-friendly and responsive website. Also, make sure that you are using a good hosting service to run your website.

Awful presentation
In addition to being mobile-friendly and having a good hosting service, you also need to make sure that the products look attractive and real to your customer. Having cluttered products, false or a bad product description is another turn off for the customer.

The best way to resolve this problem would be by outsourcing your product images to the best product image editing service. This way you can have a common background for all your products, remove any flaws like wrinkles, scratches, remove the background, and much more.

Absence of customs support
If you already have made sure that you are doing well with the speed and appearance of your site, another reason why your customer may choose your competition is due to no customer support from your site.

Do you have someone who can help choose your customer which product to go for or someone recommending them products based on their preferences? If not, you will be shocked that you can install a chatbot for solving this issue.

This way you won’t need someone on the phone 24/7. Rather a bot will work for you and your customer won’t even notice the difference.

Hefty price tag
Another most common reason why customers may be choosing your competition is the prices of your product. There can’t be a denial that if your customers would get the same product at a lower cost, they would prefer that.

Do your competitive research and see what price point others are offering and can you beat that price. Obviously, you shouldn’t go too low as it will drop the value hence see if you could arrange a fair price point.

If not that, can you offer something extra, such as free shipping or a bunch deal? If you can, market your product along with flaunting the added benefits customers would be getting when purchasing from you.

Poor Product Quality
To identify this situation check for your returning customer and the feedback on your products. Nothing can be compared when a customer gets a bad quality of the product.

If you are unaware, a returning customer has about 60% – 70% higher chances against the new customer who has only about 5%-20% chances of buying from you.

If you find that something is wrong with a product as not many customers are returning to your site to make a purchase you should improve the quality of the product immediately.

It is also a fact that on receiving a bad product your customer would share this with more people when he or she is satisfied with your quality of the product.

Inefficient marketing
Another major reason why your customer may choose your competition over you is that he or she is not aware of you. The very first thing to resolve this is to hope on the data and find out who really should be targeted-audience.

Once you have successfully found them, then streamline your marketing in order to be visible. See where they spend most of their time, why would they be interested in buying from you, and how you can attract them to buy from you.

Choose the right campaign for your marketing and reach out to your customer in order to grow your business.

Poor company reputation
Lastly, if all the above things are taken care of there’s a chance that your company has a bad reputation in the market. This could be due to any reason above which might have existed for a long time and is still unresolved.

The first step to overcome this is to make sure that you have resolved all the issues that we have mentioned above. Try to create a brand new experience for your customer which is all set specially for them to make a purchase from you.

Try not to be too-pushy when approaching clients to return. Except choose to show that you have reformed yourself and there is something great waiting for them.

Bonus Read
Above as you saw, we have covered almost every point due to which your customer may choose your competition, but if you are just starting out and struggling to gain customers, the reasons can be different.

It is also the best time that you make sure none of the mistakes mentioned above are repeated by you. Focus on every point very carefully as it can save your efforts in the future.

When you are starting out you shall make sure that your content or product is helpful to your customer in some or other way to make him buy from you, do your SEO rightFree Reprint Articles, and also don’t forget to market your product. Learn more about 10 eCommerce SEO mistakes that you must avoid.

If you are searching for the best product photo editing service provider? PixelPhant provides one of the best product image retouching and editing services.

Egg McMuffin recipe

Egg Mcmuffin Recipe on the grounds a large portion of us is the diehard fanatic of this breakfast.

Here’s a illustrated version on how to make mcmuffin for free !

I’ve been making my Egg Mcmuffin Recipe for a long while now however I could never get the egg right.

Egg Mcmuffin Recipe

Concerning, the most charming morning meals are ordinarily the ones you can handle and gobble on the best approach to work. Surely, scrambling several egg whites doesn’t take long, yet its such an extraordinary measure of less requesting to move by the drive thru under the splendid bends. An Egg Mcmuffin, a normal breakfast thing that is been on various restaurants menus since so long, may show up as a robust decision with its five fundamental include ins, including those protein-rich eggs that ensure to fuel you in the a.m., however the reality of the situation be exhorted, you can find close to 50 fixings in standout thing that makes up this unpretentious sandwich. Essentially society’s warmth to know Egg Mcmuffin Recipe on the grounds a huge allotment of us is the diehard devotee of this breakfast.

I’ve been making my Egg Mcmuffin Recipe for a long while now anyway I could never get the egg right.

The way to a glorious Egg Mcmuffin Recipe is adding a little water to the skillet and a top to steam the egg until its totally cooked. Well that, and trench the Canadian bacon …  bona fide ham is so much better.

Here is my uncommon Egg Mcmuffin Recipe for you.


  • 2 English Muffins, cut into a balance of
  • 2 eggs
  • 4 cuts of shaved ham
  • 2 cuts American cheddar
  • 1 tablespoon spread
  • salt/pepper to taste


  1. heat a significant skillet over medium high temperature and incorporate spread.
  2. add the rolls to the skillet and warm for around 2 minutes on every one side, then set aside.
  3. spray the skillet with non-stay cooking sprinkle. Add a silicone egg ring to the skillet.
  4. crack one egg in the ring and break the yolk.
  5. fry for 30 seconds then add a tablespoon of water to the skillet (outside of the egg ring) and spot a spread over it.
  6. continue searing for 1 – 2 minutes until egg is cooked through.
  7. place the egg on an English scone and incorporate a cut of cheddar.
  8. warm ham in the skillet and add to the sandwich.

Right away take pleasure in one more Egg Mcmuffin Recipe yet this time its gluten free.

Make Ahead Gluten Free Egg Mcmuffin Recipe

What you require:

12 Gluten Free English Muffins Sliced down the center

12 cuts of ham

12 cuts of cheddar

12 eggs

Preheat your stove to 350 degrees.

Set up your scone dish by spreading with non-stay sprinkle, I use olive oil shower.

Break eggs into your scone dish, or into individual custard dishes.

Get ready eggs at 350 degrees for 20 minutes. To assemble put your chop gluten free English scone down on material paper completed with a cut of ham and a cut of cheddar, and completed with your cooked egg.

Wrap individual Mcmuffins in material paper. That way, you can put the wrapped sandwiches direct in the microwave for warming.

After they’re all wrapped, place them in cooler ziplock packs and stop them. Exactly when readied to expend, take out of the cooler and place in the microwave for 3 minutes at half power, turning over after every minute.

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On the off chance that you like to warm in the oven, Preheat stove to 350 degrees and plan for 30 minutes.

This equation also works outstandingly with gluten free ground sirloinsandwich buns.

KFC Fried Chicken Recipe – Looking For The Secret Recipe?

Click here to see a illustrated version of this recipe!

Maybe the most famous secret recipe of all time? The KFC Fried Chicken Recipe is in a new super secret, high-tech vault to protect it. The recipe that was hand written in pencil by Harland Sanders is now guarded around the clock. The recipe was kept in an undisclosed location while the new security system was installed.

Only a few super select people know the exact recipe. To ensure the secrecy, no company is allowed to mix all of the 11 herbs and spices. Two companies mix part of the ingredients and a third company mixes the ingredients from the other two companies together. This way no one but the select few at KFC can know the recipe. Other companies like Coke and McDonalds go to these extensive lengths to protect their products.

If the recipe is so secret and the recipe so well protected, how can people say they have the “secret” recipe. Well, they don’t actually have the secret recipe, but they have figured out how to get it to taste as close a possible. Chefs are well trained and can figure out most ingredients in food. And after they have guessed the ingredients and how to make the item, they can experiment with their new secret recipe and get it right.

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On a recent episode of Hell’s Kitchen, chef Ramsey had the contestants try to figure out the ingredients in a dish he prepared. Only one person was able to figure out all of the ingredients. While it’s difficult it is possible to figure out someone else’s recipe.

How to make KFC iconic coleslaw at home

Here is a illustration on how to make the iconic KFC coleslaw

Have you been searching for a great recipe to make coleslaw the KFC recipe way? If you have I’m sure you’ve come across a few versions and I know it’s hard to pick a recipe to go with, especially if you’re making it for other people. The following is a pretty good recipe I think is real similar to the KFC version. Even though I think this is a good one, you might want to try it out on the family before serving it for others. I also have another idea, but first check out the following coleslaw recipe and see what you think.

This recipe is 4 star all the way and tastes just like the coleslaw at KFC. A recipe you’ll try over and over. Make sure to make this a head of time at least 6 hours and if you can make it the night before all the better. It needs time for all the flavors to incorporate and combine together.


  • 1 head shredded cabbage
  • 1/4 cup shredded carrots
  • 2 T chopped onions
  • 1/4 cup 2% milk
  • 1/4 cup lowfat buttermilk
  • 1.5 T apple cider venegar
  • 2 T fresh squeezed lemon juice
  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • 1/2 t salt
  • 1/8 t pepper
  • 1/2 cup mayonnaise (you can use light/lo cal mayo if preferred)
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Shred or finely dice the cabbage and the carrots, you can use a food processor or a cheese grater if doing by hand, or use a knife. Mix onions with the cabbage and carrots in a large bowl. Mix the remaining ingredients using a blender or food  processor or if you really want to be crazy–use a spoon–also you’ll save a wit bit of electricity and get some excercise. Now thoroughly mix the mayo mixture in with the cabbage, onion and carrots.

Remember to refrigerate for at least 6 hours.

So try this recipe and see what you think. Does it compare to the KFC recipe?

What’s the Best Sponge Cake Recipe Ever?

Sponge cake recipe illustrated !

Sponge cakes are known to be very fun and easy to make, even for those without a lot of baking experience. They bake quickly and do not require a lot of expertise or skill, and they are versatile as…

Sponge cakes are known to be very fun and easy to make, even for those without a lot of baking experience. They bake quickly and do not require a lot of expertise or skill, and they are versatile as well. What’s the best sponge cake recipe ever? Who’s to say if such a thing exists, but there are certain similarities between some of the better recipes that you will find. Let’s explore what makes a sponge cake great.

Obviously, we wouldn’t be talking about sponge cake if we weren’t celebrating its distinctive sponginess. To make sponge cake so characteristically spongy, you beat the yolks and whites of the eggs you use separately. You should not beat them vigorously, as the air bubbles should remain for optimum sponginess. If you do beat them with too much vigor, you will find that your cake will be compact instead of fluffy. In the meanwhile, a sponge cake with eggs that were not beaten enough will not come out right, either. Knowing just how to beat the yolks and whites is one of the only challenges of making a sponge cake.

Another thing you should know about sponge cakes is that they will not stay fresh and moist very long. You can prolong their freshness by tightly wrapping them, or placing them in the freezer. Otherwise, you are looking at about a day or so before your soft, spongy cake becomes rather hard and unappealing.

Certain characteristics are present in just about any sponge cake recipe. For instance, you should never spray the pan with any kind of cooking spray or cooking oil. This is because the cake must be able to stick to the pan, so it can “grip” the pan and expand properly as it bakes. If the pan is slick, the cake will slide down and not expand the way you want it to.

There are a number of ways to check to make sure a sponge cake is done, no matter what recipe you are using. One method is to look in the oven and see if the eggs are still releasing steam. If this has not stopped, the cake is not done. Also, the cake should spring back in response to your touch. A quick toothpick test is a popular way to check your sponge cake, too.

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While the best sponge cake recipe is a matter to be debated, no one would debate that there are certain things you should always keep in mind when baking a sponge cake. The true test is to find your own ways to customize your sponge cake.

Eggless Mango Cake Recipe

Mango and Cake both are very popular food items. Everyone in this world just love the both. What if we present a recipe which have both the most popular food items of the world.

If you want to see the step by step with video , click on my link right here!

Cake takes an important part in our life. Birthday celebrations, Marriage celebrations, Anniversary celebrations, all are just fed without a tasty and fluffy cake.       Likewise, mango is also heart of everyone. It is said, that mango is the king of fruits. Summer is the time, when we get juicy and fresh mango every year. You can get it in other seasons, but also the taste will not be the same. Mango is not only a fruit rather it is a box of amazing health benefits. It is good for hair, skin, eyes and also protects from cancer, increases metabolic system of the body, alkaline balance of the body, increase immunity, increase fertility and so on. There is an endless benefit of eating mangoes.        Yeah! So, you can understand that, a recipe, how much tasty a recipe would be if it is made using two most popular ingredients. Yes, Mango Cake Recipe. My recipe is Eggless Mango Cake Recipe. A great news for vegetarians. Eggless Mango Cake is really very simple and easy recipe but with full of taste. I have decorated it with homemade mango glaze and lemony cream. The use of cherries gave it heaven like taste. So let’s make it.INGREDIENTS OF EGGLESS MANGO CAKE RECIPE

  1. Mango puree – 1 cup
  2. Butter – 1 cup (unsalted)
  3. All purpose flour – 1 cup
  4. Corn flour – ¼ cup
  5. Sugar powder – ¾ cup
  6. Baking soda – 1 tsp
  7. Baking powder – ¼ tsp
  8. Salt – a pinch
  9. Vanilla essence or cardamom powder– ¼ tsp


  1. Mango pulp – 2 tbsp
  2. Sugar – 2 tsp
  3. Water – 2 tsp
  4. Lemon juice – 1 tsp


  1. Heavy cream – 1 cup
  2. Icing sugar – ½ cup
  3. Lemon juice – ½ tsp


  1. Cherries
  2. Dry fruits (chopped)

Cake Baking

  • Sieve all purpose flour, baking soda and baking powder.
  • Keep sieved ingredients aside.
  • Add butter, sugar powder and salt to a bowl and whisk it properly till the mixture becomes fluffy.
  • Add the sieved dry ingredients to it. Little by little
  • Whisk it properly.
  • The mixture becomes as hard as dough.
  • Add mango puree, vanilla essence or cardamom powder to it and whisk it till fluffy and shiny.
  • Grease the cake mold and dust some dry all purpose flour.
  • Pour the cake mixture into the mold.
  • Baking it at 180 Degree C for 40 – 45 minutes or till the inserted toothpick gets out clean.


  • In a bowl, pour chilled water or ice.
  • Add cream to a different bowl and place this bowl on the ice or chilled water of the first bowl.
  • Whisk the cream properly.
  • Add icing sugar and lemon juice to it and whisk it till form peaks. Keep it in the refrigerator and at decoration time take it out from there.


  • Add all the ingredients of Mango Gaze in a non stick pan, add and cook it till it stops sticking to the pan it will start looking shiny and smooth when done. 


  • Cut the cake into two equal horizontal pieces.
  • Apply 1 tsp mango glaze on the bottom piece and also apply some cream on it.
  • Place second part of cake on the glazed piece and again apply mango glaze on the top of the cake. Save some glaze for final decoration.
  • Decorate cake with the saved cream and glaze.
  • Place some cherries and dry fruits to give its final touch.
  • Your Eggless Mango Cake is ready to serve

New Year – Enjoy with your family, friends and beloved

Start earning money for New year

“The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot”

-Michael Altshuler

New Year is just coming and there is time for making most of the New Year holidays. New Year is just surrounding the corner and there is excitement and amazement all over. There are different types of custom and traditions to celebrate the New Year and most people get enjoy with party ideas, cruises and New Year eve celebration.

The New Year is the most celebrated event of the all over world. The event has celebrated on first January every year. Celebrating the New Year is all about welcoming the new year and celebrating the last day of the previous year to the hilt. By the ending of month December or during early January when we are out of New Year overshadow, we think of something serious a New Year promise. New Year promise is one of the encouraging ways to give confidence people to take firm resolutions, set challenging goals, make plans and take action accordingly in order to achieve their targets to have the best in the forthcoming New Year.
In fact, New Year is the great time to consider on revolutionizes we want to bring into our lives. In future, we determine to follow through on those changes. If we make a decision to carry it out successfully, it will not only act as short-term success but will also help us in improving life and overcoming those habits, which we ourselves do not like. The New Year 2011 will also bring a good fortune and big prosperity for us.
There are many ways and means by which people of all over the world celebrate the New Year eve. Every country has own New Year celebration on different days. The celebration of the new year eve has on the night of 31st December. The celebrations are of different types. Be it in several part of the world each celebration is special in its own ways. The celebration of the New Year eve in the different countries has celebrated due to cultural dissimilarities. The people of the most countries cut the cake and open the champagne bottle to express their pleasures. Some people celebrate this event staying at home with family and friends. The people also gift the New Year Eve decoration to his relatives and friends.
People around the world wait excitedly for new year cruises to come in sort to take break from their work and boring household responsibilities. During this wonderful celebration time of the New Year, people make plan long and sophisticated vacations. At this time of the New Year, markets stay flooded with special New Year holiday tour packages. In about every country the holiday feel sets in with the Christmas. Perhaps this is because of family promises over New Year holidays.
New Year party is the best manner to make a fresh opening of the day and celebrated by millions of people because it binds people without any contest, religion, beliefs, customs and all ages mutually. The new year party gives us enthusiasm and excitement and spice in our life. It is also the best time to party with friends and close relatives because everyone wants to welcome the New Year with full celebration and passion. There are also rave parties organizing at most places of the world and people of the world celebrate it with great enjoy.
In the most people’s life, there is no time to get enjoy and rest forever. They want to take a break from his busy life. The new year breaks is the perfect way to get away from busy schedule and celebrate with his family, friends and beloved one. There are various locations in the world where people can go for his vacations. You have to get many ideas about the New Year celebrations

5 foods that will make you happy 😁

What if you could take a pill and you would instantly get over your depression and be happy? Or what about the cheering potion from Harry Potter? Neither of those things actually exist, of course, but there are some foods that contain supplements that have been shown in clinical trials to improve your mood. You may not be able to take a magic pill that will instantly make you joyful, but you can definitely eat some of these foods in order to combat depression, relieve anxiety or just improve your mood when you’re having a bad day.

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1. Strawberries

Here’s the thing that you probably didn’t know about the fruit that makes our shortcakes so delicious. Strawberries not only contain vitamin C, which has been shown to improve moods, but it also provides you with much-needed potassium, which helps with nerve cell generation and helps to regulate all of the other minerals that you put into your body.

2. Salmon

Okay, so not everyone likes fish. But for those who do, salmon is packed chock-full of good things for your body. For example, it has omega-3 fatty acid, as well as vitamin D, both which help release serotonin, which is the “feel good” hormone. A five-year study showed that people with depression were sad or angry less often that included fatty fish like salmon three times a week. So, add some salmon to your diet and you might just find that your depression lessens.

3. Sunflower

Ah, the Sunflower. It is such a beautiful plant, growing tall in gardens and yards all over the country and starring in games like Plants vs. Zombies. But those seeds that you can find just about anywhere contain all sorts of goodies. Two of them are selenium and magnesium. Both of these supplements are supposed to give you a rush of positive emotion. Plus, the amino acids in Sunflowers help to increase serotonin, which we discussed earlier.

4. Yogurt

Some women go through severe mood swings when it is “that time of the month.” But Yogurt has actually been shown to decrease depression, sadness and crying and irritability during PMS. This is because of the calcium in yogurt. A diet that contains around 1,300 mg or yogurt made those women in the study feel better because one cup of yogurt contains over 400 mg of calcium. Two cups of yogurt will give you your daily recommended amount, and you’ll pick up the rest from other sources.So, yogurt might be what perks you up when you’re feeling down. It’s also delicious.

5. Walnuts

Walnuts have a whole lot of antioxidants and Omega-3’s as well as a mood stabilizing supplement called magnesium. The Omega 3-s boost your mood while the magnesium keeps it stable. A study showed that those who are deficient in magnesium (combined with too much calcium) have depression signs including trouble sleeping, being irritated and suffering from extreme anxiety. So, you can eat walnuts alone, or you can put them on a salad or a bunch of other foods.

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7 more foods that will make you happy 😁

What if you could take a pill and you would instantly get over your depression and be happy? Or what about the cheering potion from Harry Potter? Neither of those things actually exist, of course, but there are some foods that contain supplements that have been shown in clinical trials to improve your mood. You may not be able to take a magic pill that will instantly make you joyful, but you can definitely eat some of these foods in order to combat depression, relieve anxiety or just improve your mood when you’re having a bad day.

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1.Cherry Tomato

Cherry tomatoes contain the antioxidant Lycopene. Lycopene is great for your mental health because it reduces brain inflammation. Inflammation is the body’s response to a disease or toxin and brain inflammation some experts believe that brain inflammation leads to depression symptoms. So, what have you got to lose? Make a salad with some cherry tomatoes and see if you feel better afterward.


That’s right, your favorite movie snack is jam-packed with carbohydrates, which cause a major increase in serotonin levels. That makes us happy and improves our mood, helping us to relax. Unfortunately, carbs also can cause weight gain if you eat too much of them. The good news is, there are carbs that aren’t going to keep you from getting into that bathing suit. You want carbs that are low in glyceme and have a lot of fiber. You can get those carbs from fruit and veggies and whole grains including – you guessed it – popcorn.


You know oregano. It’s that spice that you put on pizza, spaghetti, and some other foods, But eating more of it will allow you to imbibe the caffeic acid, rosmarinic acid, and quercetin. All three of these supplements have been shown to help with depression. They are also supposed to help with anxiety and give you energy.


Okay, you monkeys. Be sure to eat your bananas. They are rich in potassium which gives you energy, as well as magnesium which we talked about earlier. They also contain Vitamin B6 which is a supplement that you need for successful creation of the neurotransmitters like the often-discussed serotonin as well as dopamine. These are chemicals directly responsible for your happiness and energy


You’ve heard the commercials. The incredible, edible egg. It’s true: eggs contain so many goodies you should make eating them a priority if you are suffering from depression symptoms. Eggs contain zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and iodine. Oh, and let’s not forget that eggs contain the protein you need. It really is an incredible food because all these things help to combat depression in some way and they are good for helping increase brain activity and give you a boost of energy

6. Turkey

The next item on our list is a turkey. You know when you eat turkey and you feel sleepy and satisfied? Turns out that turkey contains tryptophan which is a mild sedative and produces niacin and serotonin, both of which will improve your mood.

7. Oyster

Oysters not only help with anxiety because of the zinc in them that acts as a mood stabilizer, Oysters are also an aphrodisiac, creating feelings of attraction and love in some people. Zinc is important to your body because if you get stressed, your zinc levels drop, so eat some oysters and improve your mood. Then, you might even want to find your significant other and play.

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